CryptoEventHandlerMap: CryptoEventHandlerMap & {
    "crypto.keySignatureUploadFailure": (
        failures: IUploadKeySignaturesResponse["failures"],
            | "checkOwnCrossSigningTrust"
            | "afterCrossSigningLocalKeyChange"
            | "setDeviceVerification",
        upload: (opts: { shouldEmit: boolean }) => Promise<void>,
    ) => void;
    "crypto.roomKeyRequest": (request: IncomingRoomKeyRequest) => void;
    "crypto.roomKeyRequestCancellation": (
        request: IncomingRoomKeyRequestCancellation,
    ) => void;
    "crypto.verification.request": (request: VerificationRequest<any>) => void;
    "crypto.warning": (type: string) => void;
    deviceVerificationChanged: (
        userId: string,
        deviceId: string,
        deviceInfo: DeviceInfo,
    ) => void;
    userCrossSigningUpdated: (userId: string) => void;

Type declaration

  • crypto.keySignatureUploadFailure: (
        failures: IUploadKeySignaturesResponse["failures"],
            | "checkOwnCrossSigningTrust"
            | "afterCrossSigningLocalKeyChange"
            | "setDeviceVerification",
        upload: (opts: { shouldEmit: boolean }) => Promise<void>,
    ) => void
  • crypto.roomKeyRequest: (request: IncomingRoomKeyRequest) => void

    Fires when we receive a room key request

  • crypto.roomKeyRequestCancellation: (request: IncomingRoomKeyRequestCancellation) => void

    Fires when we receive a room key request cancellation

  • crypto.verification.request: (request: VerificationRequest<any>) => void

    Fires when a key verification is requested.

    Deprecated: use CryptoEvent.VerificationRequestReceived.

  • crypto.warning: (type: string) => void

    Fires when the app may wish to warn the user about something related the end-to-end crypto.

  • deviceVerificationChanged: (userId: string, deviceId: string, deviceInfo: DeviceInfo) => void

    Fires when a device is marked as verified/unverified/blocked/unblocked by MatrixClient.setDeviceVerified or MatrixClient.setDeviceBlocked.

  • userCrossSigningUpdated: (userId: string) => void